Thursday, June 21, 2007

Perú/Bolivia - Part XII (Potosí)

Another several hours in the bus, from Uyuni to Potosí, said to be the highest city in the world...
We got to this marvelous little mining town in the late afternoon, my salmonella poisoning was in full effect (although I hadn't realized it yet -I was still truckin').
I didn't really feel like taking too many pictures, but this is what I got:

The image to the right being some of the typical cables hanging overhead everywhere... with the infamous Cerro Rico ("rich mountain") in the background.

Left; San Lorenzo Church relfected by the strange tourism center
Right; a school in session.

Later that evening I went out and took these images:

When I returned to the hotel is when I finally couldn't take it anymore. I was having horrible heat flashes, not to mention the worst headache I've ever had in my life for a couple days straight, not to mention things coming out in both places you can think of, sometime with only 4 seconds notice. I felt incredibly horrible.
The doctor was called, and the only word I understood while he was talking to our guide was the damning word "salmonella."
Apparently I picked it up somewhere around Puno, but as to a straight source, well thats anyone's guess. I was given some prescriptions and told what to eat for the upcoming days (nothing greasy, lots of rice, bread, and water).
He was a super friendly doctor, and what's more is that his "house" visit cost roughly $6! The medication he prescribed (some sort of special and intense aspirin, along with antibiotics) cost more than double what the doctors visit cost. And to think I paid over $200 for some bullshit here in New York City.

From here on out I would feel sooooo much incredibly better, although I wouldn't properly recover for a couple days, the light was at the tunnel.
That was until I realized that the next morning we were going INTO the tunnel... the mountains' mines that is... with dynamite in our pockets.

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